Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Minion in need of a cuddle

The younger minion, now known as "Dave" has bugs, as do presumably Grandma and Grandpa after last night's sleepover. 

There's very little that gets me from my pit when it's O'dark hundred, however pouring Calpol into a poorly mite is one of those occasions. He came into the bedroom this morning and gently patted my arm, "Grandpa, are you awake?" Not the time for Grandpa Gruffalo, more a huge hug and check he was OK. 

Today they are taking Nanny Beads, the Garden Fairy's mum to Mickey D's, her favourite place to munch with the Great Grandsprogs, the money I gave them to pay was immediately squirrelled away in dark recesses, possibly never to see the light of a cash till. :-))

In other news two young ladies possibly aged 10 passed me on their ponies this morning, a quick chat about Flossie and their lovely steeds was completed by a cheery, "Have a great Christmas!" from the girls. There remains hope for the planet. 

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