Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

New bus for Port Appin Day 6

Well after the horrors of yesterday - last minute Christmas food shopping - it was back to normality and a restful time cutting out bus windows; aaarrghh!!!!  Now the monotony of that makes watching paint dry an exciting experience.  Anyway I've completed one side of the model.  Hurrah.

I've also replaced a couple of lengths of dodgy bands and prepped the artwork and applied side fleet names, rear roundels and back panel advertising.  Spent the afternoon researching ads for the 'tween decks panels.  decided on Wrigley's Spearmint Chewing Gum and Senior Service cigarettes.  All typical of the time - 1958-1964.  They've now been printed and varnished and should be dry enough to apply tomorrow.

Not happy with the front destination box so I may redraw the artwork for that and apply a new decal tomorrow.  Only a few fixes to go and it should be complete.

Oh drat, I've just remembered I've got to paint the lower deck seats.  watch this space…..

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