Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

A High Point

I always bemoan the fact that the area I live is rather flat, so I take every opportunity to get to high ground.  This hill stands above the villages of Shareshill and Featherstone and is quite close to Junction 11 of the M6.

I woke early (4:00 am), kicked my heels until the gym opened and went for a swim and then saw mute pinks and blues in the sky to the east so headed for this hill.  I was warm after my swim so just when out in a micro-fleece, something I soon regretted as the wind cut through the clothing.  It also had quite a profound affect on the clouds, which fairly scudded across the sky.  I've posted a few other images on Flickr and it is interesting how the colour palate changed as sunrise neared.  I waited around until about 9:00 am (thoroughly cold by then!), but sunlight hardly made an entrance.

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