Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Wild Swimmers

Woke up not feeling great. Seems that staying up late and getting up for work early don't mix. Had a headache pretty much all day. Still J managed to finish off the Christmas cards. I had a haircut first thing and then did a viewing of the flat for a guy from Boston. Seems keen so hopefully something will come of it.
Managed to get another 24 mice pies made this afternoon before taking J down to Porty beach for the winter Solstice swim with the Wild Swimmers.
Here is the group photo of them all before they went for their swim in the sea. I would have joined them if I was feeling better, honest.
Had a nice buffet with them in the pub after. Caught up with some friends and made some new ones.

Came home to watch the Strictly Final. Simon deserved to win I thought.

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