Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Bunny Girl

Queen Zara her bowl says Hungry (yes it is a dog bowl. She will pick it up and throw it about if she thinks she needs more food).

Well I managed to gain access to under the bath yesterday and well we need a plumber its like spaghetti junction under there. Wondering if the whole bath will have to come out and a new one put in so its the other way round as to my mind there doesnt seem to be enough fall on the waste pipe for the bath (we have been having problems with it draining slowly) thinking that originally the bath would have been the other way round *sigh more money we dont have - but hoping to be returning to work soon with the help of a Disability and Employment Officer*

I managed to take Ferd for a walk this morning - yay for me - I was good and only took him to the park and we played ball. I have promised him that I will take him swimming so will head off to the country park tomorrow (with towels this time and maybe camera). Ferd is very good and patient. Hoping that we will be able to get back into training - we both miss it (still need to find a local class - bit too far to travel back to Essex lol)

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