Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve, and it's been another glorious day.  The high today reached 29.7 degrees - not quite as hot as yesterday, but still pretty warm.

I hadn't been down to see our maize for quite a while, so I drove down there and took this photo.  It's not a bad crop, considering the very wet start it had, and the very late frost's we've had, but I'm sure now it is hot, it will just take off.  It's due to be harvested in April, so still has plenty of time to grow.

I milked this morning.  It was lovely and cool, and was wonderful watching the sun rise onto the hills surrounding the valley.  It was a pity I didn't have my camera at the cowshed.

After breakfast I iced my Christmas Cake, and made a pavlova for lunch tomorrow.  I did a few errands down town, and then this afternoon I made an ice-cream moose dessert, also for lunch tomorrow.  Slowly things are getting done.

Tea is on - it's early tonight as we have to milk at 7pm.  Hopefully by then it will be a bit cooler than it has been during the day. 

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