Random Andom

By RandomAndom


This post is blip number 1000.
Never thought I'd make it this high. Wish I had something poetic to say.
Sadly lately my entries have been a bit dull as I've just been so incredibly busy. Going forward I hope to change that. I will try my best for interesting picture and interesting things to say about them. But in all likely hood it will just be a picture of a Lego man with an angry head on.

2015 is nearly upon us, and I've got loads going on, it's gonna be a great year, some of the things I'm looking forward to include:
Avengers 2
The Minion Movie
The second half of The Walking Dead season 5
Ant Man
Season 9 of Doctor Who
The new Star Wars
The new Jurassic Park
Everything from back to the future 2 becoming a reality ( I can't wait for my Hoverboard)

Oh, and I'm getting married in August, that should be fun.

Good times.

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