It's a Wonderful Life!

I slept in after a somewhat late night out with Dr T, S and BN (and C).  When I did eventually get up I just couldn't push myself into the shower so I decided that I should (and could!) go back to bed.  My tummy has been protesting but I know not why.

Eventually I did manage to get washed and dressed and we headed out to the beautiful Filmhouse to see It's a Wonderful Life - a film that gets more timely.  I would love to see more big budget. mainstream Canadian, British and American  films that actually tackled social inequality like this film did.

There could only be one song... but with a twist.

PS All I want for Christmas is your good health and the blipfoto app - I'm woefully behind with everyone's journal and I can only apologise.  I hadn't realised before how dependent I was on the apps for keeping up with blip. xx

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