A Home for the Holidays
A dear friend gave me an unexpected gift for my 50th birthday, which was just a few weeks ago: a hummingbird house! My friend purchased it from the Southern Highland Crafts Guild. The instructions say to hang it early in the spring, under an eave that is out of reach of the weather, other birds, and insects. There is no guarantee that our beloved little hummingbird friend, Lady Greensleeves, will use it for the first year, but maybe she or someone else will eventually do so.
In the meantime, since it is not currently in use, the last of the Dancing Girls who came to visit has moved into it for the holidays. (Here, she's shown sitting neatly on the hummingbird perch, which serves as a sort of informal portico.) Since it's the festive time of the year, the new home has been decorated with a big red bow!
The hummingbird house may look small, but it is in fact like a tiny Tardis. Inside is a large living room, a great big bathroom with a jacuzzi, a lovely bedroom, a music room, a library, a nice guest bedroom, a dining room for festive dinners, a breakfast room with a sunny nook, a ballroom with chandeliers (for dancing!), the required utility rooms, and lavish accommodations for cat-steeds. I'm thinking of installing a big-screen TV and surround sound system as a final Christmas gift. :-)
The tune to accompany this . . . well, you guessed it already, didn't you? It's a Christmas classic: Perry Como, with There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays. And I'd like to add a great big shout-out and thank you to my friend Celia, pet-mom to our Tabbycat Dexter's brother Skeeter!
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