Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze


Sometimes there are things that stop me in my tracks and remind me that I'm living in Spain. Yesterday it was a wee 6yr old boy tucking enthusiastically into a tapa of anchovies and today it was this array of olives in a supermarket round the corner. Yes, I know I said today we'd be shopping in the market; and we did that and it was nice walking around buying our bits and bobs and exchanging 'Bon Nadals' and then I remembered we needed kidney beans for our lunch on the 27th.

We hung up our Christmassy things this afternoon, put up our little minimalist tree, lit the candles and suddenly it felt a lot like like Christmas! We did our pressie shopping for each other in record time of 2hrs 30' this evening in Gracia. We agreed to 'go light' this year as we really don't need anything, but it's always nice to have a few things to open in the Christmas spirit.

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