
By Fritha

Day 24

Well, it's always good to um, 'go' before a long journey!

Midget thought this was hilarious (and wanted to eat the poo! I said no. "why not?" "It's poo!"), so much so she barely even noticed the present Merry left for her. She helped the elf wipe with her toilet roll ("I've never wiped an elf bottom before!") and then set about the presents, a new Christmas book (The Lighthouse Keepers Surprise) and Junior Monopoly. We played three times today and Daddy was somehow declared bankrupt four times (in the game).

In the evening she set up for the big man's arrival and had a little cry that Merry was leaving, I reassured her that Merry would be back next year and that she'll get to go hang out with all her friends now. I'm not sure Midget was convinced!

And thus ends another year's elfing, hopefully not our last but she's growing up so fast I don't know how much longer we'll have magic *joins in with the sadness while crosses everything that this is just pessimism*

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