Christmas Eve 2014

I woke this morning to find I had lost my voice again for the 2nd time in a month.

MrsT and L were out at the movies with friends E&A and their mummies so Grandad and I set up L's new computer console on the TV.

Once that was finished we snuck away for some ten pin bowling. After last nights league match where I started with a very sad 116 before saving things with a 193 second game I had to get another game.

The best of my games was a 209 and I started that game with 6 solid strikes.

After dinner I had a trip to the shops for some last minute bits and bobs which we forgot about.

A quick trip to my sisters then my brothers before returning to see L off to her bed. She is one very excited little girl.

A few presents still to wrap then relax with a drink. May need that JD with Honey to help my poor throat.

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