Beachlands Nickaz

By Beachlander

We've been very good...

So we've got through the last day of work for the year, and now it is all about getting ready for the big day tomorrow.  I'm not really prepared, normally I've got a proper meal plan and all that, but with working right up to the last point, it hasn't happened.  Whatever anyone has asked me if they should bring, I've just said yes because I haven't given it any thought.  There'll be 14 of us, so it should just sort itself out nicely.

The girls spent today with Grandma, Daddad and one of their cousins.  They went to a high tea session at the cinema of Paddington.  What a lovely idea!  I really must try one of those.

We've put out the landing dust and carrot.  Stockings are hung.  Now just for the Big Guy to make his delivery!

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