
By ClaireH

Oliver Twist

This is our stray that we feed occasionally ( I know you shouldn't, but who could refuse that handsome face?) He just goes by the name of 'Black Cat' and despite each harsh winter, gale force winds and long periods where he seemed to have dropped off the face of the earth, he's still here, sitting at our doorstep, expecting to be fed.  

He used to bolt as soon as we step foot within his sight, now over the years he's let us creep closer and closer to him, never close enough to be touched mind. This is about as close as I can get now, that look on his face says it all - 'I am most uncomfortable with this level of proximity human...' 

Its a shame, I think he would have made someone a wonderful pet, I wonder how he ended up a stray. He obviously craves human company, he sometimes likes to sit close by when we're in the garden, just to watch what we're doing. He also likes to sit on our windowsill and stare in, (very creepy when its dark and you can only see his eyes, may have jumped out of my skin on the odd occasion) - our cats are not so fond of this, with the exception of Isobel who is madly in love with him.


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