I love these old words!

Seaford was a "limb" of the Cinque Port of Hastings.
More info here.

This is part of the Confederation of the Cinque ports charter giving them certain rights and privileges.

Translation below:

tax and tallage
Exemption from Tax and Tolls

soc and sac
Right to Self Government

tol and team
Permission to Levy Tolls

blodwit and fledwit
Punish people who shed blood or flee from justice

pillory and tumbril
Punishment for minor offences

infrangentheof and outfrangentheof
Power to detain and execute felons both inside and outside the jurisdiction of the port

Punish breaches of the peace

waives and strays
Take ownership of lost and unclaimed goods after 1 year.

flotsam and jetsam and ligan
Take ownership of goods thrown overboard or floating wreckage.

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