Coco's Christmas.

We have had a good family Christmas. Normous and I got the turkey in the oven before our son J and his family arrived. They brought everything else for the meal with them and cooked us a brilliant "turkey and all the trimmings" meal. Afterwards we had those crackers with whistles where the aim is to produce a recognisable tune by blowing in turn. Coco jumped up on each of us we blew, to add to the chaos. After that we had whizzy ballons that whistled and chased all over the room. Coco had a rare old time, chasing them!
It was payback time because at breakfast time Coco brought in a live bird and released it in the kitchen! It flew straight into the larder and hid behind the jam jars on the top shelf. When it was finally rescued, after not inconsiderable difficulty, it flew off up to the end of the garden, shouting the good news of its release for all to hear.
Coco has been shut in for the rest of the day, but there has been plenty to keep her busy.

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