Boxing Day

We've been the hosts today for Mr J's family and it's been another fab day.

Even more presents were opened (the children have been given so many lovely new toys) and we had a nice buffet style lunch.

The children needed to burn off some steam this afternoon so we all went for a walk/scoot/bike ride to the park. Little man was loving the slide and was coming down it all by himself. He's also been doing amazingly with his walking and is very good at pushing along his Thomas.

P and N have been frozen mad. It's been played twice today and we've all sung 'let it go' more than once! They always get on brilliantly and kept themselves amused most of the day. I even caught them red handed helping themselves to food from the kitchen to have as a picnic in the playroom!

The children are both in bed early tonight and were both out like a light. Now time to relax and watch a film I think.

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