
By DancingAly

Speaking My Language

My sister gave me two gifts yesterday. One was a vintage 1994 Barbie doll, the other was this book. 

Now, let me explain. I was a MAJOR Barbie fan all through my childhood, and the chief instigator of Barbie-related play in our house. Our poor Dad- our huge playroom was filled with three different Barbie houses, the floor strewn with clothes, shoes, furniture etc. Although with three daughters this was to be expected, as well as dolls, and dolls clothes, cribs, pushchairs and the like. Every now and again, he would walk past, and with one flick of his foot would completely decimate the abode of an unsuspecting Barbie family! Shrieks of anguish and injustice would be heard, and all he would do was laugh as he went on his merry way, leaving us to literally, pick up the pieces!

Not to be forgotten are the cars! Two Barbie Jeeps, a red MX5 convertible, and my favourite, the Barbie Mustang! There was talk today at the dinner table about what happened to them. I've kept most of our Barbie stuff, and I have it at home in boxes. This remains a major bone of contention for sister number two, who reminds me every time this subjects comes up, that I also have things that are 'hers'! Well that is true, but I don't trust her to keep them safe! So I always tell her that when she's old enough, they'll be released to her. She's 23! I don't know whether it all will be worth anything in the future, but it doesn't really matter. It's the memories, and the fun it brought, and perhaps reflects a time when life sure was a whole lot simpler! But the cars we didn't keep, probably because they were rather big :-) 

So it was with surprise that I opened the parcel with a Barbie in it yesterday! I had a chuckle, and it reminded me of something. When I was about 7, my dad bought my uncle a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Periscope. Apparently they'd had a periscope when they were small, and he delighted in giving this amusing yet essentially useless Christmas gift! My sister and I were about 7 and 5, and helped with both wrapping it up and keeping the secret. We have the day on our home movie VHS tapes, and my uncle, who was in his mid-thirties at this point, cried with laughter and disbelief at the ridiculousness of this gift! And the Barbie today reminded me of it! I think there was a lot of horseplay that Christmas between our uncle and the two of us, and I remember thinking why was it silly for Robin to have a Turtles periscope?! 

So whilst I was very thankful for this gift, which came in a brand new and unopened box, I was slightly perplexed and mystified, as no doubt my uncle was all those years ago! 

Today the weather has been terrible, and it's rained all day. Not a lot was done, just snuggling under a blankie with Little B. It's been peaceful, but I've never had so much down time! I shouldn't knock it, I suppose. :-)

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