
By SilentWitness

Every Little Helps

"Tesco are making quite the claim there" I chuckled to myself upon seeing these.

I laughed more when I was informed 10 minutes later by the haggard looking checkout worker that the store had completely run out of bags. No bags! Not one!

Of course Tesco were offering out their re-usable bags to all the customers, only YOU STILL HAD TO PAY FOR THEM, full price, no discount.

Nice one you money grabbing bastards. Having announced earlier this year that profits were up the least you could do is discount the bags. The girl on the till (who probably had more qualifications than me and was just hit hard by the recession and ended up working for the corporate stingies) had to sit there and tell everyone there are no bags and that we have to pay if we want the ones they do have. Poor girl must have taken so much abuse that day. So glad I brought my own.

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