Blessed Rain

As I sit here writing I am listening to the sweet sound of the rain.
The temperature has dropped considerably and I have my cornflower blue shawl wrapped cozily around me...the slippers were too warm and had to go.
For quite some time this afternoon I pottered around our tiny back garden with my camera  (water proof).....I am totally intrigued by the way the drops of water form and behave on different plants.

I took lots of pics...those shiny drops on the delicate deep green bamboo leaves....droplets clustered on top of the Davidson Plum...the precarious drop hanging from a waywood vine...all rather wonderful and magical.
The frangipani won the award though..the colours yummy.

I had forgotten to mention that our wonderful Landlord Sam has decided not to sell and so we don't have to move house...that was a most wonderful Christmas present ever.

Funny I had just read this article 'An Open Letter to the Australia People' I felt sad reading's long but insightful if interested...then I found this quote...perfect!

“A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.”
Mark Twain

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