GM Tulip

By GMTulip

We made it...

...but not before the worst ferry crossing EVER! We were alright but I got a stiff neck laughing & pointing at all the sick people. The stewards couldn't replace the sick bags quick enough...I haven't laughed so much in ages.
One poor lad splattered carrots all over the deck, an older gentleman came round the corner, took one look, retched, lost his balance and nearly landed head first in he managed to stay upright I'll never know!
Kids were throwing up, parents were trying to help them and grabbing bags themselves, at one point even the poor cleaner looked like she was going to chunder. How me & Paul didn't get thumped by a green gilled passenger I'll never know, we were laughing so much, it was like a well rehearsed comedy routine put on for our entertainment!

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