Undiscovered country

Fellow blippers, I am proud to report that on this day, the twenty-seventh of December, two thousand and fourteen, I have discovered the back of the airing cupboard!

It has been a long and arduous journey and some said it couldn't be done, but I have persevered and reached my goal. The discovery is undisputed: unlike the trials of Livingstone to find the source of the Nile and the wrangling between Schliemann and Calvert about who found Troy, this is definitely down to me, as I was home alone at the time of discovery - the Ards Man is in Bangor checking out the boat and No 1 peanut is in Belfast.

I shall receive their accolades modestly when they return.

Perhaps I should try my hand at Atlantis next?

PS The photo isn't of the back of the airing cupboard as I am keeping that a secret so I can get the best publishing deal. This is a photo of the fence outside.....

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