Double Shot Mummy


Meeting the Man in Red

Major excitement! We thought we would deviate from our usual Wafi Mall Santa, so took the trio to see Santa at Ski Dubai. 

Nothing is cheap in Dubai. I thought 79 dirhams per child was a fair deal. It ended up costing 6x79 as of course the adults had to pay for gear to keep them warm in the snow too!

The highlight for the trio was dressing up in the Ski suits, compete with helmets and boots. I am really glad nanny and pop were there to assist with this complicated process! They all looked super-cute, (Like little marshmallow people), as you can see in the pic!

After getting dressed we entered the snow area, The trio immediately touched the snow... cue meltdown. They didn't like their hands being cold.... bad mummy forgetting to put their gloves on!

So we waited in the queue to see Santa, trio still in tears... When they finally got to see him the tears stopped and they were absolutely mesmerised. It was adorable watching them communicate. Oscar unveiled his letter (Written three months ago), with some items he had completely forgotten he had asked for. Bailee read hers and Maple's requests were all in her memory. They were given a little gift bag at the end and they were all smiles. 

Time for sledging. Oscar not interested. Maple too little. Bailee and I started to climb up the slope then Oscar decided to join us after all. It went really fast... Bailee was smiling and squealing with joy.... Oscar wasn't quite so impressed. 

We finished off the experience with a hot chocolate each in Cafe Moritz. Yum, yum. :)

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