Raspberry Gin......

I tasted this at a friends house, I made it on the 24 September and bottled it on the 24 December, there were two bottles, now there are only one and a bit, tastes great short or long.

Started the day at 04:30, when I overslept, as I set my week day alarm forgetting it is Saturday, but was out by 04:35 and on the way to Stansted with Becca so she could get a coach to Heathrow.  The wind was really strong and the roads wet.  When we reached the airport there was an enormous queue for the 'quick' drop off point, that you have to pay to use, so I took another road and parked on the double yellow lines just after the entrance to the coach park so she could run to the stop, there were only 3 minutes to go.  She caught it, phew!  Back home, cup of tea and back into bed for 06:00.

Next thing I heard that her plane was delayed by 90 minutes which would mean her missing the connection in Amsterdam, as she if off to see her boyfriend in the States and they only have until the 7 January, a day in The Netherlands wasn't on the agenda, eventually they left and her connecting flight was delayed by a few minutes and I received a very happy text saying that she was on her way!

Other news in the Thornton household, Jon's wife, Dana, is in hospital in Bangkok with food poisoning, hopefully the drip and extra fluids will help.

Not sure if I mentioned it before but Chris and Maddie had their house broken into in Christchurch, on Christmas Day, luckily the burgulars weren't very competent, and the police were called when they crashed his bosses car into the front fence.  They took about a $1000 of belongings but nothing sentimental.  Annoying but it could have been so much worse.

Other than that it is quiet, Simon left yesterday, we dropped Tim at the train station at lunch time today, Jenny, Dave, Lewis and Amy turned up around 16:00 this afternoon.

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