
By cowgirl

Tutbury Castle

The snow that fell last night was still around this morning, so after a lie-in, we went for a 3 + 1/2 hr walk around the hill on which stands the ruins of Tutbury Castle.

Occupied since the Stone Age, the castle is first recorded in 1071, as one of the new castles built to stamp the authority of the Norman conquerors across the Midlands. Since then, the castle has played an important part in English history on many occasions, in warfare and in peace.

The castle is best known as one of the prisons of Mary Queen of Scots, who was held here on four occasions. It was here that she became involved in the plot that ultimately led to her execution at Fotheringhay.

It also had its bloodier side, as it was besieged, destroyed and rebuilt several times. It was destroyed for the last time by Act of Parliament in 1647-48, after holding out for Charles I in the Civil War. The destruction was incomplete, leaving the dramatic ruins and the castle has never been completely abandoned.

Since 2000, the castle has taken on a new life, welcoming thousands of visitors every year to historical re-enactments, archaeological excavation, an authentic Tudor garden and mediaeval herbery, and the ‘haunted’ Great Hall and King’s Bedroom.

We can see the piece still standing on the left of this shot from our back bedroom windows.

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