toy inventory

Eve's preferred playmates have scattered back to Birmingham and Broadbottom and she's left with only the immediate family to entertain her. She busied herself with a thorough inspection of all the new toys and made good use of her baby brother as a prop for her doctor's surgery. She particularly liked using the stethoscope to listen to his brain. A medical career beckons?!

Meanwhile, the sprouting of pox has slowed down which hopefully means Eve can get back to intermingling with little people soon. Though I have to say that the Christmas hols is a very convenient time to catch the pox with so much to entertain Eve at home.

Jesus prayers tonight - "thank you for Den and Don in the play tent". She's getting a little ahead of herself as Den and Don are visiting tomorrow!

And today Eve is sporting her new outfit from Nanny accompanied by her Grandma cardi. Mum chose the wool and pattern back in the Summer and her dear friend, Teri, was kind enough to knit it for Miss B after Mum died.... Eve loves it and is particularly pleased by the Grandma involvement, as am I. Thank you Terillium!

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