Penguin for Andrea

Last night's photo was for my Dad, tonight's is for Andrea (Dumbledorian).  

Andrea and Liz (Kiwilizzie) had their Mum pass away on Christmas day and I thought I'd cheer Andrea up a little with a penguin (or two).  She is a great fan of them, but for all her trips to New Zealand has still never managed to see one in the wild.  Next time you're over Andrea, I promise to take you to one (if Kiwilizzie doesn't take care of that first).

These two hoiho (yellow eyed pengiuns - an endangered species) came out of the sea quite early tonight.  Well, I had deliberately got to the colony early (easier parking the van if it's not already crowded in the car park) and they came in pretty much as soon as I got there.

They made their way up the rocks onto the point then stood about chatting and grooming for quite some time.  It would seem that they have to wait until the fish in their bellies is just the right amount of 'digested' before they bring it up for their babies.  When they felt the moment was right they waddled off down different tracks to their chicks.  Until then I had thought they were a couple.

I also took photos of a baby (still grey and fuzzy), and of one a bit older that was slightly sleeker but still fuzzy round the head, but these two look more identifiably "penguin" for Andrea.

Earlier today I walked along the beach to Moeraki Boulders.  It's only the second time I've come at them from this end.  Not that it makes them any different but it's a lot further to walk - like 3km there and then another 3km back.  

Joy for the day:  6 km along a  beach that was largely deserted (except around the boulders where there were at least 100 people).

Lesson for the day:  Walking 6km on sand in scuffs is really bad for a damaged achilles - I'm going to sit in my camper with neurofen gel and tablets now.

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