Stephanie's Shots

By stephanie

Checking, 1,2,3, and there we go!

This morning I had LASIK done. It was supposed to be done yesterday, but the laser had a software error, which ended in them having to fly in a part. So.. rescheduled for this morning.

I wasn't sure what to expect in terms of how much I would see immediately after the surgery, and was amazed by how not-blurry my vision was, mostly blurry in the peripheral areas. But yeah, went home afterwards, took the obligatory 4-hour nap, and couldn't do much else (no reading/pc), so did some cleaning etc.

I'm writing this on Dec 27th, so we're a little more than a week on, and all feeling good at the moment :) My right eye was a bit gritty for a couple days, but that has luckily cleared up. The one-week-check-up yesterday was good, another one scheduled for end of Jan, to make sure it stays good.


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