
By Kiteseeker

Awaiting the call....

Having had a break from orienteering for a few weeks we travelled to RAF Leconfield just north of Beverley in East Yorkshire.

We allowed plenty of time to travel as the roads were icy as we crossed the Yorkshire Wolds. We were warned that the Tarmac on the runways was treacherous. I wore dobs (short metal studs inserted into the sole) and was grateful of the added grip.

Our course took us into a very complex Afghan Village. This was mapped at a different scale to help us read all the twist and turns. With small kites used to make it harder to locate the control points.

I set off just in front of Richard and got back to the car, got changed and had a welcome hot cuppa. Began to get anxious after nearly an hour had past. Not only did he slip on the ice, made an error, but he was sent along with another competitor the wrong way from the finish in an attempt to find the car park.

Fortunately I did not have to call on the services of this rescue helicopter!

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