Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


An uneventful Sunday, the lady of the house fuming (Lord knows what I did), was due to go and buy some linen for work but as I left the house I was told that one of my old men had taken a tumble at a local hostelry on Christmas Eve and had been in Hospital ever since, you would think someone would have the good grace to tell me! After collecting him a change of clothes we went to see him, poor lad is black & blue, his false teeth had snapped in half, he seems in pain with his hip, they're sending him for a brain scan tomorrow as they think he's confused, poor Richard has dementia and is always confused! I hope they get him back home soon then we can start a process to have him cared for properly, seems none cares until you've had a social worker attached to your name.
Point of the photo? It's the only one I took all day, after visiting the sick I went to Skipton for Fish & Chips (and very nice they were too), the library was across the road from where I parked the motor.

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