All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan chose today to have his first lie-in of the holidays.  Woke up at 7.30am by his alarm clock which went off by mistake but then went back to sleep for an hour.  Typically we should have got up earlier as I had booked an ice-skating session in Glasgow with my friend Shona and her wee boy and we had to be there for 10.30am.  So it was a bit of a rush to get there by the time we got up!

It was good fun though.  Ethan and I haven't been for ages and he was really cautious at first.  But he soon started getting really in to it, although it was only a 1/2 hour session so we could really have done with a wee bit longer.  I think I'll have to take him again soon to build his confidence up again.

A short on the swinging chairs / carousel for the kids and we all then had lunch at Di Maggios.  We said farewell to our friends who were going to the theatre, Ethan and I did a bit of wandering round toy shops before driving to Granny and Grandpas house.  Ethan is having a sleepover there for the next few nights as hubbie and I are back to work tomorrow.  It's the first time Ethan has been really upset when I left and said he didn't want me to go.  I literally had to prise him off me - was really hard leaving him today.  Am sure he'll be fine though as he does love sleepovers there!

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