
A much quieter day today, despite a couple of nice trudges round the snowy park and the need to drag Tom out for a little blip-mission to have a stab at our own small homage to today's chart choice's cover art...

#5. ‘Drop The Vowels’ by Millie and Andrea

 There’s a certain schizophrenic feel creeping into this chart, I think, though I promise it goes a little bit more off-piste towards the end. That said, a steady diet of winsome indie guitar and banging techno seems a deal more balanced than just the one or just the other. What’s missing, perhaps, is a bit of punk rock attitude, which seems a bit thin on the ground just now, and/or perhaps something a bit more ‘serious’, though I find myself significantly turned off just now with much that seems to pass for ‘Modern Classical’ (stupid enough term that it is) at the moment. Oh well, this one falls squarely (you might even say ‘four-squarely’) into the latter camp. There’s loads of good electronic music around at the moment but this album just edges it for me. It’s really quite approachable as these things go, throwing a bit of occasional jungle and rave atmosphere into the visceral techno-textural stylings, but it still bangs away like a scary industrial monster when the need arises. Oh, and it’s that Andy Stott feller again, here affecting the non-de-plume he apparently keeps by for his ‘party music’ or something…

...the Vowels

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