
By HowWonderful

Today I was the star of the show

We spent the morning at home getting ready for Christmas Day tomorrow. Mummy was excited to set the Christmas table with spaces for everyone in my family including my high chair.

Mummy's family have a Christmas Eve tradition of going to Aunty Janice's to sing carols with the brass band. Mummy was very excited to take me along this year, I really enjoyed the music and singing.

Then it was a quick dash to Padstow church for the nativity. I had the very important role of baby Jesus, and what a little star I was! I sat on Mary's lap and didn't make a sound. I looked around at all the people and I tried to chew on Jospehs costume.

After the nativity Mummy took me carol singing with the Padstow carolers. She was very excited to take me along and she said one day I will be able to sing with her if I want to. The Padstow carols are very special and I thought they sounded beautiful.

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