Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

The old alleys of St Peter Port #13

Tower Hill Steps are maybe a bit wide and grand to really qualify as an alley but their grandness hides a more sinister past.

I have to confess that I had no idea about their past and I must thank BikerRich for suggesting this could be added to the series.

So what is this murky past? On 18 July 1556, three Guernsey women were martyred for their Protestant Faith. Even more tragically one of the three was pregnant and gave birth to a son in the flames. The child was retrieved but it was ordered that he be thrown back. You can read the whole sorry tale here.

You can see the memorial on the granite wall and further up the steps is the man who photobombed my shot. I haven't taken any street photography shots for ages so I was really pleased he was there...

I have put another view of the steps here.

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