cold one

A day out was cancelled because I'd slept badly and was too tired. 

Turned into a snow day, I suppose. Not much new snow mind you. We had real "snow days" where I lived in rural New York State. The radio would announce it in the morning. School and work was cancelled, except for essential workers.

I also thought of my time in Vilnius today, where winters were also cold and snowy. 

It was -10° when we got back from the ice hockey last night. Top temperature today was -5°.

Early afternoon I went out and walked for 70 minutes through the fields. The fresh air and exercise may help with the sleep. So would some peace and quiet at night (long story).

I disturbed a kingfisher while getting my Blip. Nice. Not sure I've seen a wild one before.

PS. The ice hockey was grim. They were 2-0 up after 3 minutes. They lost 3:4. The beer was good. So was the steak sandwich. Small consolation. 

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