The Birds.

We didn't get up till late this morning ,as we had a disturbed night. We had  a telephone call from my brother  about midnight ,to say that our nephew and his wife had had a baby boy last night. My brother and sister-in-law, had driven up from Llandudno to London, and was so  excited to become grandparents for the first time. We were thrilled at the good news, and then we couldn't get back to sleep. I didn't get to the gym until midday ,and when  J met me, we  decided to drive down to Ogmore again . It was much quieter than yesterday and i took lots of photos . The seagulls were gathered together in the river, when all of a sudden they took off. It was quite a sight. Must be viewed LARGE.You can see the frost is still on the grass. Another cold night forecast for tonight, so stay warm.

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