Snow globe

I am getting so bored with not getting any decent shots at the moment, so today I thought I would try to do something a little different!
It was very frosty this morning, so I thought I might try the frozen bubble picture....I managed to blow a bubble onto the frosted moss growing on my neighbour's wall without too much trouble, but even though it stayed there for ages, it didn't even attempt to freeze!!! - bother!
I do quite like the snow globe effect though, hope you do too ;-)
On another note I was dragged away from making my yearbook (with another on-line company) today by Mr U&L rushing out the front door as a Virgin Jumbo was flying over really low!  To be fair it was really, really low, and on a very odd flight path, which we later found out slightly later was due to the fact that it was having to do an emergency landing at Gatwick airport because it had trouble with the landing gear. 
Thank goodness it landed safely, and everyone was OK.......Living 11 or so miles from Gatwick airport can be exciting, and sometimes scary!

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