Ailsa Craig/Creag Ealasaid

What wasn't perhaps evident from my posts over the last couple of days is that we'd only intended to stay the one night in Oban. We'd left our arrangements for Saturday pretty vague, thinking we might even take the ferry across to Mull. In the end, though, we liked Oban and the hotel - and, particularly, our room -  so much that we decided to stay another night if we could have the same room.

However, this freewheeling approach to Saturday left us in an awkward predicament; the Minx needed to drop a painting off in Stranraer and I had arranged to meet friends for a late lunch today. In the end, there was only one thing for it and that was to get up early.

And, actually, neither of us was too put off by this prospect, possibly after our plan to make an early start on the last day of Glastonbury had been such an effortless success. And so it was, this morning; up at a quarter to six, a quick instant coffee - valued for the (weak) caffeine hit rather than sensual pleasure - and we were off. We managed to get a couple of pastries from the restaurant as we were leaving the hotel and that was our breakfast.

By the time we'd made our way south of Glasgow, though, we were decidedly peckish. We kept an eye out for a coffee shop or café but we seemed to be clear out of luck. And then on, on the A77, just south of a town called Girvan, we came across a small shack on the sea front. We pulled over into the car park and I got out to investigate. They was a small group of people clustered around the front of it: one dog walker and a couple of decidedly hungover younger people. 

We were running low in cash, so I'd grabbed everything we had from the car, but in the end, for two coffees and two sublime bacon sandwiches, I was only asked for £4.70. And so, spirits raised, we set off once again, heading towards Stranraer.

PS The photo, taken from where we parked, is of the island of Ailsa Craig, which is almost due west of Girvan, ten miles offshore. You can read a bit about it here.

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