This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today was good! I got my taxes done by an accountant! And I owed money! A lot of money... but luckily I was given some money so it all worked out. And I am not worried as the money I owed was owed to my self employment tax that funds my social security when I retire.. ( ha ha ha) so it is like I was forced to pay my older self today. So I can deal with that.

Then we went to lunch- BBQ- fried french fries... veggie burgers...

And once home, I phoned about some low cost health insurance for self employed people like me and now that I have my taxes done I know that I qualify. So, in July this American could have insurance...

Later, we received our order of fifteen handcrafted panels made by a local company for our upcoming exhibition. And then we decided we better set up our "booth" to just see how everything is looking for the Block St. Block Party on Sunday. We are going with the country chic look. There will be more updates to the tables.

So all in all it was a good and productive day.

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