All These Things...

By Joestockdale

Glenridding Dusk

The street lights come and the show begins, except the curtain doesn't open tonight, the curtain of clouds that is. Instead of waiting for the stars I just headed down the fell and got some photos of the street lights coming on. It's been great spending so much time in Glenridding recently, it doesn't seem like real life, everything is so relaxed out here. I'm trying to finish my final project for college, which is a time lapse of the landscape.

For this shot I stuck to the sharpest aperture F8 as I was using my new 50mm F1.8G Nikkor, the light intake is incredible at 1.8, but it wouldn't be sharp enough for this kind of shot, not to mention the depth. I bumped my ISO to 400, which is the highest I'll use when shooting landscape before all of the sun's light has completely gone as the noise levels aren't noticeable.

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