Holey walk day

Mondays have been my "Holy" Blip days. In the summer I had a series of OAP Blip Mondays when the pensioners (Asyr, Flash and myself) were taken out for a walk by Luna.

Today combined the two - Went for a walk with Asyr and Bliped the "Flurkreuz"  (Wayside cross) near home.

It was a difficult walk. Started out from home trying to get around the fallen trees directly at our property. Another tree has fallen in the meantime. The dogs get through fairly easily but Asyr and I had quite a battle. He tends to walk directly on my heels and after he nearly stumbled twice, I let him go ahead and find his own way. Eventually we got on the forest road and I had to wait until Flash had stopped hime before gathering Asyr again.

If it had been a normal work Monday wouldn't be concerned with him walking free but as many have the time between Christmas and New Year free and with the snow, thought there may be more people about.

Getting home was 10x worse, I tried going the other way around the trees. Several times Asyr ended up on his bottom and having to walk over tree trunks which rubbed on his belly. Full of large holes and ditches covered in snow. I fell twice but managed to avoid being trodden on. Asyr goes barefoot so can't do much damage!

Despite Asyr's 85 years (he will be 30 human years soon),  Flash's 70 years (11 human years) and my 60 years (feel like 90), we all made it home in one piece.

It snowed heavily all morning, stopped briefly in the afternoon and restarted in the evening. There was another good 10cm so again did a couple of hours snow blowing. Luckily Angie didn't have a gym session this evening so she could put the horses to bed.

Tonight should be warmer at around -7°C. Last night was close to -20°C

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