Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Buggin’ me

Yes, this one bugs me. I can grab images virtually any time I want, so definitely not rare, but I still have not managed to identify the critter.
It is very distinctive, even without the passenger with the spindly legs, not noticed before. The gorgeous light green snowflake pattern on its flank should surely be enough to nail this one to the record books, but still have found nothing.
Find me a picture and a reliable ID source and there is a free week’s bug safari in Bandung, with an experienced guide that speaks English.
Other points of note; the two red ocelli (one visible). These hint that the bug probably was a strong flier once, but it is not an important part of its life now. A strong flier would have three ocelli. Also, noticed for the first time, the breathing vent between its 2nd and 3rd legs.
The closest I have come to an ID is Leptocorisa varicornis, but I am not convinced.
Changing the subject, for those of you who detest the white Blipfoto background, here is a simple to implement solution, provided by Blipper ‘By Himself’. It really works and the instructions are simple and easy to follow.
Shame on you Blip Central, for not offering a user preference setting for something that has caused so much anger amongst your PAYING MEMBERS!!!!!

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