
Many thanks to all of you who viewed, comment and starred my 365th blip yesterday

Another project I am embarking on in the next year is to digitise our film negatives (remember those)? we have huge box full of packets of film strips - I have no idea what the condition of most of them is.

I got a (cheapish) film scanner for Christmas and was trying it out this morning to see what settings I might use. I think we may need a bigger storage unit! 3 TB might not be enough.......

So begins another year of blipping and today's shot is of some catkins just hanging around catching some rays, taken whilst out with dogs this afternoon.

There seem to be an unusually large number of quite big molehills appearing all over the place at the moment - don't know if we have a population explosion or what. The village football pitch has been targeted as has the woods and some of the cropped fields!

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