
By katgirl


It is Mother's Day. It hasn't been a good day - not due to any lack of love from my family. My joints and neuropathy are absolutely awful. I spent much of the day in bed, or if I was up moving around, trying to function without just breaking down and crying. A quick grocery run was rather tortuous and I was physically & mentally spent. I saw the Starbucks kiosk and said to Bob that we deserved a treat. As the cashier tallied the total - it was 50% off for Frappacino Happy Hour. It was amazing that just that little perk helped stave off a breakdown. We enjoyed our drinks - vanilla bean shake for Bob, a mocha light Frappacino for me, and then headed to my brother's for dinner. Bob brought his "amphibious" remote control car to try it out in the pool. This was a gift from a good friend about 3 years ago. But we had never tried it in water. Sure enough, it worked quite well. Most of the remote control cars Bob has been given were junk. The Morphibian trumped them all!

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