Why not read a nice book

I've really lost my enthusiasm for blip since the site changed - the photos are shown so large that I have to scroll down to see them on my laptop, the white background is too harsh, the number of journal entries counts back-blips now instead of from the day you joined, I can't seem to edit comments any more ...
And why on earth would people choose to protect their entries so that only subscribers ( sorry, "followers ", can see them ? What's the point of posting something only a select few can see, whilst you're free to see and comment on the majority of posts ? It seems to me to be absolutely contrary to the previous spirit of an equal community seeing and commenting throughout the whole site.
I know lots of people would say, give it time, it's early days yet, but I can't see many improvements at all.
So this evening I will be mainly reading this lovely book Mr. Beewatcher found me for Christmas.

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