
By granpabear


Just when you think life is boring all heaven breaks loose.  At the dog park last night about 4:00 pm.  The sky had cleared to bright sun, and I thought I might get some sunset shots from the far end of the field.  When I got down there, I noticed this brilliant half moon in the blue sky.  While shooting the moon lined up with various trees, I spotted an Eagle gliding down the stream toward me but far off.  Heading toward his favorite tree.  I raced through the hedge, and took quick shots of the sun.
Then I headed for the Eagle, but noticed a fir tree top to shot the moon by.  Few quick shots, and headed for the Eagle.  And there he was, standing on the top of his dead tree, not his usual branch.  His back was to the breeze,  making his feathers fly up.  And the setting sun was giving the tree and him a warm red glow.  I started shooting and adjusting like crazy.  All the while moving closer for a better view, and hoping to catch him with open wings.  
When he left, I missed him, but he didn't go far.  He landed in a tree about fifty feet up stream.  And wait a minute, there were two heads there.  He and his mate were snuggling side by side.  I couldn't get very close and I had to shoot through the branches, but I got some passable shots of them.  When I finally gave up, I look over toward the car.  The dogs were standing there looking at me as though I had lost my mind.  I had.

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