Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Love is....

...Buying a hot toddy mug, ginger, lemon and honey and mixing them with your favourite whisky you got from santa clause and giving it to your wife. Or maybe he just hates putting up with an ill person. Bit of a drag at New Year. Looking very likely that it may scupper Speyside party plans. Coughing, cold and flu has laid me flat for the rest of today, ashamed to admit there may actually have been tears at one point this evening with some of the uninvited aches and pains, hate being ill when I'm on holiday, or it may just be a first world problem reaction to a looming family crisis in the shape of a pant shortage given my lack of action round the washing machine these past few days. The horror. The good news is that the toddy did work for a bit and Dave has just put a washing load on. I am a terrible patient, but I swear, this could almost be manflu, or a genetic gender strain. WomanlyFlu. I don't feel very womanly though. In fact, I probably look very manly right now, like a deranged caveman with a hair akimbo and a deep cracked voice like that long gone actress from coronation street...what was her name again?

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