
By JillyMint

A little problem

Pixel brought this little bundle in this morning. Good job I was up.
It appears unharmed but I have no idea which warren it has come from (there are at least 3 close by that I know of). Until I can follow Pixel (haha) and see which it is I'll have to look after it.
After a short period of calming down, in a box with blanket, I have created a temporary run for it by putting the cold frame into a patch of long grass. I've given it sliced apple, dandelion leaves and water and will check if it has eaten anything shortly. May have to get hold of a pipette with kitten teat to feed it some kitten milk as I think it may still be getting some milk off mum... It's about 4 or 5 inches long. Heaven knows how Pixel got it through the catflap (which is a tight fit at the best of times).
Now I need to find a wildlife rescue centre.
Got people coming for lunch today.
She is now with the Cuan House Animal Rescue in Much Wenlock. She was checked over and didn't appear to have any injuries. They have another baby of the same size that she will go with and they will release them together. Feel much happier about that solution.

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