Makkin Bannocks

Light showers to start with today and then the sun came out for a brief spell, before returning to rain and wind.  Not much of a night so far for Hogmanay!

Up fairly early today and off out walkies with Sammy to get the Shetland Times.  In the afternoon, me and mam went off to Lerwick to visit auntie Bunty and uncle Drew and David was in too, then a quick shop around Tesco before heading to Scalloway to see auntie Binnie. 
Working for a few hours in the pub tonight but finishing early enough to start the New Year / Birthday celebrations :) 

When we arrived at auntie Binnie's, she was making fresh bannocks.  You can't have a new year with out bannocks and tattie soup, yummy.  We did manage to get a sample straight out the oven with a cup of tea, mmmm the best they are :)  Taken at Da Noost, New Street, Scalloway.

Happy Newrdy aabody an aa da best fur 2015  :)

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