
By PeckhamBelle

It started with one ..

Blip .. and then it snowballed ..!

I started Blipping quietly, without telling anyone, thinking that I'd just keep track of family life. I had low expectations of my stickability and of the site. I was amazed when I got a view on my daily picture and even more surprised when someone left a comment. And what nice, encouraging, supportive comments they were too ..

Within a week I was hooked, curious to see what other people were seeing around the world and smitten by the 'be excellent to each other' ethos.

I began to tell people about Blip (ok, ok, I went on and on about it!) and suddenly realised that I could use Blip to connect with two very important people; my sister and sister-in-law who, because of one time zone or another, were missing from my daily life. I wanted to see them more. And Blip was the way to do it.

Once the NZ-London-France-NYC-Washington circle was complete I was happy, but then there was more .. There was amazing photography, friendship in bucket loads, genuine LOLs, and all this kindness, intelligence, wit and wisdom from California to Cardiff, from Dalston to Derby, Milton Keynes to Worthing, Uxbridge to Edinburgh, Glasgow, Pinner and on and on.

And there was more .. I began to do more things, go to different places and involve my poor, patient and photogenic family in the quest for my daily picture. This Blipping lark has been partly responsible for an amazing, action packed, fun and family filled year.

I could bang on and on, but it's New Year and there's French fireworks waiting to bang on and on instead.

A very, very Happy New Year to my Blip friends and thank you.

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